Friday, 15 December 2017

Adventure on the way to Kathmandu – I

As we woke to a cold morning, it was decided by the forces that govern that we will be taking the less than 90 kms road to Kathmandu through Pharping. As Amit had explained earlier, my thoughts had made me think of this road as a tough road with some hair pin bends (as the ones in Nilgris) and some steep curves. Curves and Hair pin bends are not new to me, my experience of driving different continents had brought in the confidence to take any drive without much difficulty theoretically. But there was for sure a grey area which was clearly indicated by the puzzled looks of Amit because he was always saying Road 2 through Palung / Daman was the one which we were taking for all these months of planning and all of a sudden he was convinced that we will take this Road 3 through Pharping.
Just to keep you guys get back to your calculators, Road 2 to Kathmandu is around 30 kms longer than Road 3. That’s ok and the time duration is around 2 hours more. What does Google say ? Does this mean Road 3 is an easier route ? What is the hidden secret ? Remember guys, Google does not take road condition as a parameter in its Transfer Function. OOPS…

The Hotel served us with Complimentary breakfast which was good enough. The weather was chilly with drizzling. I was back at the Steering of the Terrano at the basement parking and was looking at the steep climb to the ground level. Certainly, that was not a normal basement to ground exit. In all of the Bangalore malls, I haven’t seen such a short & steep climb up a floor for cars. Since the entry and exit were the same to the basement parking, I asked Amit to look for any incoming vehicles so that I am not stuck right in the middle of the climb. Amit would have thought, what a man !!! But I was for sure thinking of how I am going to take the vehicle out of the basement. Finally, I was clear that I am going to keep the momentum to push my front wheel drive out of this hole. Glancing at the curve and steep from the basement, I accelerated in that parking lot and made a sharp left to the steep curve and reached the smooth rocky patch of the ground floor exit. Wow, what an achievement !!! Great job buddy ! I hadn’t thought or experienced a situation wherein the vehicle slows down completely in the middle of the steep climb… Only that if there is such a long and steep climb.

Now back on the road, we were crossing the last stretch of straight and smooth roads for the next 7 days to come. Nice tar road with 2 way traffic, good weather was relaxing start for the day. The AC switched OFF, we were enjoying the fresh breeze. We were crossing Hetauda’s outskirts and I could notice that there were kids walking to schools all along the side of the road. Then as I was questioning Amit about the education in Nepal and was surprised to hear that Nepal parents give important to the Primary education and although there is not a good transport that is available for the kids going to school, parents encourage the kids to walk to the nearby schools even though it is several kilometers of distance.

As we reached the banks of the Trishuli River, I could see that the water force was revealing that we are right at the bottom of the first hill where we need to start the climb. I was always under the misunderstanding that Kathmandu is on the hill and we need to climb the hill. I also believe that some of you readers would also assume the same. Just to clarify, Kathmandu is a valley and we will have climb up and down some of the hills, which we standing in front of us.

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